
Sore Throat Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Sore throat is a pain, scratchiness or irritation in the throat. It makes it difficult for you to swallow food. Sore throat is a viral infection or can be caused by environmental factors like dry air. It makes you uncomfortable and usually goes on its own. It is divided into different types depending on the part of the throat they affect. Pharyngitis is a condition that causes swelling of the throat. Tonsillitis causes swelling and redness of tonsils. Laryngitis is an infection of the voice box or larynx. 

If you feel any pain or irritation in your throat, consult the best ENT specialist in Lahore. A less common type of sore throat known as strep throat is caused by bacteria. It requires proper treatment with antibiotics to prevent any complications. 

Sore Throat Symptoms 

Symptoms of sore throat vary depending on what caused it. It has following symptoms including dry, raw, tender and irritated throat. 

It causes pain especially while talking or swallowing food. It makes your tonsils look red and sometimes white patches appear. These white patches are more common in strep throat than sore throat. Some other symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, headache, fever and appetite loss. 

Causes of Sore Throats

Viral Infections, Colds, and The Flu

Sore throat is a viral infection which is usually caused by the common cold, influenza- the flu, COVID-19, measles, chickenpox etc.

Strep Throat and Other Bacterial Infections

This infection is caused by a group of bacteria Streptococcus. Strep throat is an infection of tonsils. Almost 20-30% of cases in children are reported. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can also cause sore throat. 


Some environmental factors like pollen, grass and pet dander trigger allergic reactions. Our immune system reacts immediately and causes watery eyes, congestion, sneezing and throat irritation.

Dry Air

Mostly the air in winters is dry. It can suck moisture from the mouth and throat leaving them feeling dry and scratchy. 

Chemicals and other Irritants 

Our throat is irritated by different chemicals in our environment including smoke, air pollution and air fresheners. Many rescue workers experienced acute coughs.


Certain injuries can also cause sore throat. Sometimes the food gets stuck and you feel irritation in your throat. Shouting, yelling and talking loudly can also cause pain in your throat. Teachers and instructors usually feel pain in their throat due to these conditions. 

Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD) 

This is a condition in which acid from the stomach gets back to the esophagus. It causes symptoms like heartburn and acid reflux. Silent reflux is also another condition that causes the back flow of acid from stomach to esophagus and ultimately sore throat. 


Tumor of the voice box can be a very less common cause of sore throat. If it is a cancer it does not go away after a few days. 

Risk Factors Associated Sore Throat 

Certain factors can increase the risk of sore throat. Some of them are:


Usually children are affected by sore throat and strep throat. 


These types of infections are usually common in winters. 

Exposure to Irritants

Certain environmental factors like smoke, air pollution can cause sore throat. 

Personal Hygiene 

If you do not wash hands properly or use a mask, it can increase the risk of infection. 

Schools and Public Gatherings

Interacting with the people having infection can increase the risk of infection. 

Home Remedies 

Most sore throats can be treated at home. You can do follow things to treat your sore throat at home:

  • Drink warm liquids like hot water, tea, and soups. You can also use herbal teas. 
  • Gargling with hot water and salt really soothes your throat. 
  • Don’t shout and yell instead give your throat proper rest. 


You can take following steps to prevent your sore throat:

  • Avoid contact with the people having infection 
  • Avoid second hand smoking 
  • Wash and clean your hands properly 

When to Visit a Doctor 

Most viral infections are usually within 7 days. However, if you feel serious symptoms like severe sore throat, blood in saliva, sore joints, difficulty opening your mouth etc. immediately consult an ENT specialist. 


Several medications are available to treat sore throats. Some of them are:

  • Aspirin 
  • Ibuprofen 
  • Acetaminophen 

Antibiotics can treat bacterial infection like strep throat but can’t treat sore throat. 


If you feel any severe symptoms as mentioned above immediately contact your doctor. He will suggest some tests according to your condition. You can get the result of tests within 1-2 days. This test will help in distinguishing the type of bacteria that caused the infection. In some cases, you need some further tests to figure out the cause of the infection. Also don’t forget to take care of your personal hygiene. Take proper medications if needed. Follow the instructions prescribed by your doctor.